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The Stephanian Forum

To the outside world, Stephen's still remains a mystery. The red brick walls refuse to divulge its secrets and people have their own opinions of this institution.
But what does it truly mean to be a Stephanian?
What is the true spirit of Stephania?

Team Stephania (2024-25)
Sep 1, 2024
Exploring Socio-Psychological Concepts in Everyday Life
Drowning in the endless deadlines accompanying academic life, it is often easy to lose sight of how our academic pursuits fit into the...

Team Stephania (2023-24)
Dec 18, 2023
Semester Snapshots
THE PLANNING FORUM ORIENTATION The Planning Forum’s orientation on August 24, 2023, inaugurated a new year of events for the society by...

The Stephanian Forum
Nov 6, 2023
Education, Elections and Expectations: Student Elections as a Case Study in Psephology
Disclaimer: All views and opinions expressed are those of the author/authors’ and are not indicative of views held by The Stephanian...

Team Stephania (2023-24)
Oct 26, 2023
An Interview with Mr. N.K. Singh
Mr. N.K. Singh, a distinguished Indian politician, renowned economist, and former IAS officer, presently serving as the Chairman of the...

Team Stephania (2023-24)
Sep 15, 2023
The Hidden Gems of St. Stephen's
In the hustle and bustle of life, one rarely pays attention to the myriad of treasures that one passes by regularly. The St. Stephen’s...

Inderpal Singh
Nov 27, 2022
One Week, Two Elections, Three Lessons
My first month in college residence introduced me to the phenomena of college elections. If there is something in the college close to...

Team Stephania (2020-21)
Apr 25, 2021
The trials and triumphs of virtual college: A Stephanian Experience
As COVID strikes again, the fear of spending yet another year at home was creeping in. Stephen's still remains a mystery to a majority of th

The Stephanian Forum
Feb 13, 2020
Bon Appetit
It was just another day when First Years were rushing to make it to the Morning Assembly on time, birds were chirping and 8;30 a.m....

The Stephanian Forum
Sep 22, 2019
Political Participation in College
This study was conducted by our First Year contributors, namely Abhinandan Kaul (I BAP), Debanjan Das (I History), Shagun Tyagi (I...

The Stephanian Forum
Sep 11, 2019
Of the times of Losing Faith and the need of Breaking the Silence
A candid conversation with the SUS President (2019-20), Raman Mohora The interview was conducted on September 3, 2019, by Siddharth...

Suchintan Das
Aug 20, 2019
The Abuse of History and Making of the Anti-Nation
By Suchintan Das, 2nd History The University of Delhi, which is no stranger to controversies, has recently found itself at the centre of...

The Stephanian Forum
Oct 5, 2017
In conversation with the President
Disclaimer: The Stephanian Forum does not take any institutional position on its content and would like to inform readers that the views,...

Nitish Vasav
Sep 15, 2017
Ad Dei Collegium
Disclaimer: The Stephanian Forum does not take any institutional position on its content and would like to inform readers that the views,...

The Stephanian Forum
May 19, 2016
Burning humanity: an appeal.
The temperature in Delhi, as I write this, is quite unusual. A molten effervescenve is in the air. Seems like humanity is burning,...

Ishita Blest
Dec 15, 2015
Onam 2015: a celebration of diversity
One can be found whining about the alienation on the part of certain groups in St. Stephens college, and about how cliquey communities...

The Stephanian Forum
Sep 19, 2015
Of gendered spaces and absolute equality.
An interview of The SUS President for the year, Aina Singh. The interview team comprises Rishi Bryan (IInd English), Urvi Khaitan (IInd...

Rishi Bryan
Sep 15, 2015
Being a Stephanian and not being one.
When one writes about St. Stephen’s college these days, one has to do so with extreme caution lest one treads deep into controversial...

Urvi Khaitan
Dec 16, 2014
Truths and half truths – A session with Natwar Singh
Truth is a dangerous thing, and revealing it to the world, even more so. As a first year in my first month of College, the last thing I...

Pallavi Rachel George
Dec 16, 2014
Unapologetically Political With Natwar Singh
“If I were to change three things in the way the Congress ran the government, I would say a) there should be no corruption b) there...
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